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Would you get a fine at this roundabout?

One particular roundabout in Lower Hutt appears to be the perfect site to catch drivers ​who aren't indicating properly.
Vehicles travelling through a round-a-bout

Remember our post about the difference between roundabouts and intersections? The infamous Mythbusters team certainly showed the value of roundabouts in terms of efficiency. But what about how safe they are, especially when people don't use them properly?

One particular roundabout in Lower Hutt appears to be the perfect site to catch drivers ​who aren't indicating properly. A 'sting' started a couple of weeks ago, and about 50 drivers were stopped in the first 4 days, with a few of those being given fines. Not indicating can cause serious accidents, because as we all know, it's important for drivers and other road users to be aware of what other drivers are doing, and intending to do.

So let's brush up our roundabout skills, it currently looks like we're failing all round! (I apologise for that..)

You can read the full story here.

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