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Why do people break rules?

Many Kiwis don't wear helmets, even though a helmet is there to protect their survival. Read on to find out why...

We at Fleetcoach would never tell you what to do. Our modules aren't policy documents, and they aren't lists of rules. If those things were foolproof, no one would ever do anything silly, and we wouldn't need Health and Safety at all. In fact, if humans only ever did what was good for them, we wouldn't need diets, addiction services, personal trainers or social media time-limiters. In short - humans are flawed, and we don't always act in our own best interest, even with every intention to.

That's why Fleetcoach modules are different. We always always aim to understand the why behind certain behaviours, and give you some food for thought as to why you might be best to make a change.

This fascinating article goes into great depth to understand why people take risks, break rules, and which rules are most often flouted. It includes a comment from Otago University associate professor Selene Mize who talks about how people like to make up their own minds about things. In other words, no one likes being told what to do, with no reason can check out our take on rules in this module.

We'd love to hear from you. Which of your behaviours or habits have you been trying to change for a while now? A quick survey of our neighbouring offices turned up the following suggestions:

- I wish I could stop eating right before bed. I know it makes it harder to sleep, and mostly I'm not even hungry!

- I know texting and driving is bad. I really do know it. But...

- I have this habit of leaving things to the last minute and then beating myself up because I know I could've done a better job if I'd just started earlier!

What about you?

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