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Electrify your journey - switching your fleet to electric vehicles

Transitioning to electric vehicles (EVs) just makes sense – at least we think so! More and more companies are making the switch to electric vehicles for their fleets. If your company is considering the change, we've got some helpful tips to help you prepare for the shift. And if you’re determined to stick with your gas-guzzling ute, let us show you how easy the switch can be. We know you’ll eventually step into the future.
Charging an electric vehicle

Transitioning to electric vehicles (EVs) just makes sense –at least we think so! More and more companies are making the switch to electric vehicles for their fleets. If your company is considering the change, we've got some helpful tips to help you prepare for the shift.

And if you’re determined to stick with your gas-guzzling ute, let us show you how easy the switch can be. We know you’ll eventually step into the future.

Making the switch to EVs

So, your company is looking to switch to EVs – hooray! Whether you’re looking to reduce your emissions or save money on petrol, we know there are some perceived obstacles when making the change to EVs. How much range will I get? What if I run out of battery? How will we charge the cars?

These are all valid and with some forward planning, can easily be mitigated and successfully introduced to your team.

Here’s some things you need to keep in mind to make the transition far less intimidating.

1.       Weigh up the options

There are a lot of different EVs on the market and even more to come so choosing the right option for your company will save a lot of headaches in the future.

Determine driving patterns, distances, and usage of current fleet routes before assessing the vehicles and charging options that fit your business.

2.       How will you charge your EV fleet?
Plan your EV charging for both on-site and off-site – where will drivers be going? Will they need to charge the car at home?

Develop an energy management strategy and understand how the battery monitoring, analytics and recycling work for the systems you choose.

3.       Site planning
Having chargers installed is a cost, and ideally one you only want to pay once, right? Determine the best position and configuration of your charging stations for current and future operations.

4.       Funding and incentives
Check out what incentives from your government or utility services provider can contribute to the vehicles' cost or charging infrastructure.

5.       Test, test, test!
Knowledge is power. There are so many resources available for fleet managers looking to switch to EVs. Ask, test, and try the equipment before committing. This will mean you’re sure about any changes you’re making within your organisation.


See, not that scary, is it? Overall, no matter where you are in your EV journey, a little planning ahead of time will save major headaches in the future.

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