Who doesn’t love to celebrate a winner?! We certainly do… so congratulations to

winners of the Sustainable Journeys Award at the recent Australasian Fleet Champions Awards!
Fleetcoach are proud sponsors of the Sustainable Journeys Award, hence the special shout out to Zilch.
This Award recognises organisations that have worked to reduce risk and fuel emissions by enabling active and shared travel (walking, cycling and public transport use), using more environmentally friendly fuels and vehicles, and/or improving journey routing to reduce the distance travelled.
So how did Zilch achieve their winning outcomes? Through electric-vehicle car sharing!
They help customers swap company vehicles for electric pool cars and open them up for internal ridesharing and staff personal use, which helps to reduce overall car use and ownership.
Zilch also provides both online and in-person training for drivers new to driving electric vehicles, to help familiarise them with EVs and keep themselves and other road users safe.
To date they have helped save more than 600 tonnes of carbon and made more than 90,000 sustainable journeys.
We’d also like to celebrate the Highly Commended mention in the same category, which went to the Council of the City of Sydney.
Lastly, a big thank you to Global Fleet Champions for organising the awards, hosting us in Auckland and continuing to campaign to prevent crashes and reduce pollution caused by vehicles used for work purposes.
Read more about other organisations who are winning at https://globalfleetchampions.org/fleet-champions-awards/australasia-awards/winners-of-the-australasian-fleet-champions-awards-2022/